Thursday 18 December 2008

The Last Legion (2007) 7/10

Starring : Colin Firth, Ben Kingsley, Aishwarya Rai, Peter Mullan, Kevin McKidd, John Hannah, Thomas Sangster
Director : Doug Lefler
Running Time : 98 mins

When young Roman emperor Romulus Augustus (Sangster) is imprisoned by the invading Goths, General Aurelius (Firth) and his small band of warrior followers make it their duty to rescue the young boy and get him back to Britannia before Wulfilla (McKidd), Romulus’s prison guard, can capture and kill them all.

Compared to some recent historical action movies, this was pretty good. Firth puts in a good performance as Aurelius, proving he's not just suitable for tongue in cheek movies, with Sangster's portayal of Romulus Augustus being a worthy one, but it's McKidd who steals the show as Wulfilla, the maniacal Goth out to kill them. Plus Aishwarya Rai makes for the perfect action heroine.

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