Friday 23 January 2009

Sugarhouse (2007) 5/10

Starring : Steven Mackintosh, Ashley Walters, Andy Serkis
Director : Gary Love
Running Time : 88 mins

Tom (Mackintosh) is a middle-class businessman who meets D (Walters) in a cafe in the hope of purchasing a gun, but when it turns out that the gun was stolen from Hoodwink (Serkis), a gangster who is worried the gun can be traced to his involvement in a murder, things start to get very confusing and violent.

Andy Serkis's acting here really spoils what could have been an interesting, though simple, gangster movie. Mackintosh and Walters are both playing stereotypes, but manage to not fall into the usual traps of the characters, even though Walters is pretty annoying, but Serkis's overly violent criminal character is almost laughable, and the ending is as predictable as the apparent twist in the tale

You’ll like this if you liked : Snatch

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