Monday 9 March 2009

Role Models (2008) 8/10

Starring : Seann William Scott, Paul Rudd, Christopher Mintz-Plasse, Bobb’e J Thompson
Director : David Wain
Running Time : 102 mins

Danny Donahue (Rudd) and his colleague Wheeler (Scott) are sentenced to community service when their car crashes into a school. As punishment they are forced to work 150 hours as part of a mentorship programme and are paired up with Augie (Mintz-Plasse) and Ronnie (Thompson), but can the two immature salesman manage to make any kind of a positive impression on these two less than impressionable youths?

This was a great little comedy that manages to mix crude humour with important messages in a witty and dramatic fashion. Both Rudd and Scott work well in this movie, and although many of the jokes come straight from the toilet this is still likeable in other ways and will no doubt become something of a cult classic in years to come

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