Friday 12 March 2010

Fantastic Mr Fox (2009) 7/10

Starring : George Clooney, Meryl Streep, Jason Schwartzman, Bill Murray
Director : Wes Anderson
Running Time : 90 mins

When his wife announces that she is pregnant, Mr Fox (Clooney) is forced to put his wild ways behind him and abandon his fondness for thieving from the local farming community, but it isn’t long before Mr Fox gets tired of being well behaved and decides to go after the farmers again. Unfortunately the farming community is sick of being robbed by the local wildlife and decide to put an end to the creatures once and for all.

This wasn’t the sort of film I imagine kids would enjoy, but it was likable enough in a typically Wes Anderson style. Fans of The Royal Tenenbaums will recognise Anderson’s character styling and his dead pan choice of tone, but after a while this can grate on an audience and it’s not surprising that the brains of some viewers might just decide to switch off.

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