Monday 25 July 2011

The Astronaut Farmer (2006) 7/10

Starring : Billy Bob Thornton, Virginia Madsen, Bruce Dern
Director : Michael Polish
Running Time : 105 mins

Former military man Charles Farmer (Thornton) has always dreamt of travelling into space. Instead he was forced to retire from his job in the Air Force to save his family farm, but he continues working on his dream, even going so far as to building a rocket in his barn. His actions draw the attention of not only the media, but the FBI who start keeping him under surveillance…

This is a sweet enough story of one man trying to make his dreams come true while trying to stop his family from falling apart. Thornton does a bang up job as the wannabe astronaut, and the supporting cast of doubters and supporters are perfectly suited to the job in hand. It does run a little slow in the middle, but by the time the farmer makes his launch you’ll be smiling at his success.

You’ll like this if you liked : Space Cowboys

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