Tuesday 9 August 2011

The Hit List (2011) 7/10

Starring : Cuba Gooding Jr, Cole Hauser, Jonathan LaPaglia, Ginny Weirick
Director : William Kaufman
Running Time : 91 mins

After a particularly bad day – having been passed over for promotion and finding his wife has been cheating on him - Allan Campbell (Hauser) decides to drown his sorrows down at a local bar. There he meets Jonas Arbor (Gooding Jr), a mystery man who suggests Alan compile a top five list of people he wishes were dead as a sort of cathartic release. But when people on the list start to turn up dead, Allan realises that he may have just accidentally employed the services of a hired assassin!

This is actually a reasonable suspense thriller. Gooding is creepily detached as the hired assassin, while Hauser portrays the panicky and bitter corporate worker to great effect. Fans of action thrillers will enjoy this thrill ride and won’t be disappointed by the action filled conclusion.

You’ll like this if you liked : Collateral

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