Wednesday 26 October 2011

He Was A Quiet Man (2007) 8/10

Starring : Christian Slater, Elisha Cuthbert, William H Macy
Director : Frank A Cappello
Running Time : 96 mins

Bob Maconel (Slater) dreams of nothing more than going into work with a gun and shooting all of his horrible colleagues, but when another colleague beats him to it, he shoots the colleague and is dubbed a hero by his surviving work mates. He gets a promotion and his own office, but the girl of his dreams, Venessa Parks (Cuthbert). Who was paralysed during the gun-play, asks him to end her misery.

Slater is fantastic in this under rated movie that really manages to showcase his skills as a character actor. Cuthbert also does well in her role as a recently disabled woman trying to cope with the changes in her life, but the ending - which, if you pay attention and find all the clues makes perfect sense – is pretty confusing. Thankfully the makers don’t explain everything outright so different people might get a differing message from this intriguing drama.

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