Monday 28 March 2016

Sicario (2015) 7/10

Starring : Emily Blunt, Benicio Del Toro, Josh Brolin, Victor Garber, Jon Bernthal, Daniel Kaluuya
Director : Denis Villeneuve
Running Time : 122 mins

FBI Agent Kate Macer (Blunt) is called upon to help with a task force that is trying to stop the drug wars that have become prevalent at the Mexican border. Unfortunately one3 of the people helping the US to stop these drug runners is Alejandro Gillick (Del Toro), a drug dealer himself, and Macer starts to doubt how good the intentions are to stop the competition.

This is an interesting movie that manages to paint America as both the bad guy and the hero of the piece, with the CIA proving to be criminal conspirators in the drug problems of South America and the FBI trying its best to stop them. Blunt is pretty good, but Del Toro and Brolin steal the show, as villains often do. The plot is complex, but not so much so that it will completely go over your head. Worth watching if you like movies about corrupt agencies, but the violence is quite muted so won’t appeal to action fans.

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